Category Archives: Tips and Tricks

Melodic Patterns – Gary Moore Lick From “Key To Love”

Blues Guitar Unleashed Blog It would be REALLY hard to learn all of the individual notes in a lick like this one from Gary Moore in his tune, “Key To Love”… However, if you know the pentatonic scale pattern, and you understand the melodic pattern, and you have it under your fingers… You’ll quickly see … Continue reading Melodic Patterns – Gary Moore Lick From “Key To Love”

Auditory vs visual learning: music requires both!

Piano Blog by Skoove – Piano Practice Tips Most people will identify as an auditory or visual learner. Occasionally, an individual is well balanced in both fields, but most people can relate to either learning primarily with their eyes or with their ears. This is a fascinating world to extend to and explore with learning … Continue reading Auditory vs visual learning: music requires both!